Its been a while but here we go.
The Troll Hunter or Trolljergen from Norway was suggested to me from a dear friend.
The setting, Norway in all its mountainous glory gives the perfect backdrop for this monstrous adventure.
Apparently some film students from a nearby university hear about people disappearing in the woods and decide to make a documentary all about it and that's your perspective..as the cameraman documenting the whole thing.
During their "investigation" they encounter a very strange person, a grizzled mountain man with a face not unlike granite that has about all the personality of a chunk of limestone. BUT this is in no way a bad thing, further down the path of the story we learn why.
True it does seem preposterous to make a movie all about Troll Hunting as the title suggests, considering Trolls are from fairy tales and old folk lore, not exactly a modern theme for a big Hollywood blockbuster. This is exactly why it works (and why its not or should not be remade into a Hollywood Blockbuster)
It takes the sci fi nerd out of the comfort zone of Aliens and Mutants and throws you into a stinking frothing face of something that is so hard not to believe. Especially with the boulder of science to explain certain things to you.
There is only one part of the film that annoys me, but its of little consequence and im hardly few will notice.
As for the script, good story and good interactions with all the characters, nothing ground breaking but its all about the Troll Hunter here.
The CG was fantastically believable almost hitting the Uncanny Valley (3d Term)
Overall 9/10 ...Those of you who do not like subtitles or foreign movies..unlucky.
I am not going to post a trailer up here for it will spoil the film and all its surprises.
Dim the Lights and turn the sound up, you want to hear evey footstep in this adventure.